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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits to waxing?

    -Long lasting smooth skin

    -No cuts or irritation from a razor -No dark, itchy stubble -Finer/thinner hair regrowth -Slow regrowth too!

  • How long does the hair need to be?

    For any part of the body, the hair should be one fourth of an inch long or the length of a grain of rice which is typically two weeks of growth. If the hair longer, just leave it, there is no need to trim.

  • Does it hurt?

    Of course there is some pain involved as the hair follicle is larger than the pore it is coming out of but I strive to ensure your comfort throughout the entire process. I’ll check in with you several times throughout the service and chat to keep your mind distracted.

  • How can I prepare for my wax?

    -A gentle exfoliation 1 day prior to your appointment will breakdown and loosen any built up dead skin cells around the base of the hair

    -Take a warm shower or bath right before to open the pores -Wear loose clothing

    -Avoid caffeine and alcohol 24 hours prior to the appointment -Some find Tylenol or Ibuprofen helpful 30 minutes prior

  • Can I wax during that time of the month?

    Yes! You MUST have a fresh tampon in or menstrual cup to get any Bikini/Brazilian wax services. You may also experience more sensitivity while waxing during your cycle but yes, this is totally normal and common.

  • What can I do about ingrown hairs?

    First, no picking at ingrown hairs! It can cause further irritation and scarring. E &E Beauty offers aftercare products specifically designed for treating ingrown hairs.

  • Is there an age limit on getting waxed?

    Facial and Body waxing can be started whenever the child and parent feel comfortable. Parent/Guardian consent is required for any and all waxing for those that are 17 and younger and must be present for the first visit but does not need to be in the room while service/s are being performed.

  • What if I am taking medications?

    Taking antibiotics or topical acne medications such as (but not limited to) Retinols, Epiduo, Differin, Alpha hydroxy acids etc. can cause skin sensitivity and skin to lift when waxed. *You must be off Accutane for 6 months before waxing.

  • Can I get waxed while pregnant?

    Yes you can! Keep in mind you may experience a little more sensitivity when getting waxed. If you are still on the fence about continuing to get waxed or start waxing while pregnant, consult your doctor.

  • What if I have a hemorrhoid? Can I still get a Brazilian wax?

    Having a hemorrhoid is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, it is so incredibly common. A lot of times people wonder if the butt strip is still possible when getting a brazilian wax and the answer is yes! We will get as close as we can to ensure you are leaving E&E Beauty smooth all over!

  • How often should I get waxed?*

    -Facial areas every 2-4 weeks -Underarms every 2-3 weeks -Bikini/Brazilian every 4 weeks

    -All other body areas every 4-6 weeks

    *Everyone is different, I will recommend when to book next during your first visit.

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